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The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling is jam-packed with great ideas and solid techniques on sketching nature. John Muir Laws approaches his drawing from a curiosity of the natural world and studies and explores its shapes, colors, and behavior through his journals.

The 300 page book looks a bit daunting at first but its insightful text and beautiful illustrations make it worth your time. He covers a important techniques using graphite, pen, and watercolor, among others, using a wide variety of subjects. Just as important, he shows so many examples of his sketchbook pages that not only contain his illustrations but also his thoughts and notes about a particular subject. It’s always interesting to see the different ways artists approach keeping a sketchbook because it’s a glimpse into their thoughts and techniques and John Muir Laws gives us so much to look at here. This book is a great addition to anyone’s art library.

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